How to Install a WordPress Theme?

  1. From your WP dashboard, navigate to Appearance.
  2. Click on Themes.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. If you have downloaded the theme file to your computer, click Upload Theme then Choose File. Now navigate to file on your computer and click Install Now button.
  5. Else, if you want to install a free theme from, choose your preferred theme then click Install to install it or Preview to watch a live demo.
  6. Now you might click on Activate to activate your newly installed theme.

Upload Theme via FTP

  1. Log into your hosting space via FTP software or CPanel’s File manager if you have access to CPanel.
  2. Unzip file and extract it to a folder named your_theme. Make sure index.php and style.css files are directly available under this folder.
  3. Upload this folder into wp-content >> themes.
  4. Go to Appearance >> Themes and activate the installed theme.